вторник, 5 мая 2015 г.

Organizing for Change: People Power

Written by Dariia Zubrytska
 for the "Journey: Bootcamp " program 2015 

Which dragons should Ukrainian people overcome to change their lives?

Today Ukraine is on the threshold of change. After the Revolution of Dignity 2013 – 2014 and war that is unfolding in the East of our country, people have lost faith in the better. They do not see practical changes. Instead of fighting with the corruption and thefts political elite is trying to focus the attention of citizens in the war. We are daily confronted with enormous distrust of the public on the activities of political parties, researchers and cultural figures. People doubt in their need and put them the question: "Why do you do nothing to change our lives? We trusted you! "

The answer to this question is quite expected, but not everyone is ready to accept it. To change the system, you must change yourself. As long as students in schools give bribes - it will be taken; until we throw garbage on the street - it will be laying there; until we can speak sharply with the stranger – they will talk to us in the same way. In fact, who knows better about the person’s needs?  You should always remember the statement: “Treat others as you want them to treat you.”
However, after deep analyzing of this situation number of new questions have appeared: how and from where we should start these changes? We are ready to fight, to be fake patriots, wear national dress, to visit different demonstrations and parades, but who is really ready to defend our homeland in social and military field? 
In order to respect yourself as a valuable person, you should realize your national identity and unity. For all time territory of Ukraine belonged to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Rzeczpospolita, Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Soviet Union (and this is not a complete list). That is why Ukrainian people have an interesting blend of democratic principles and clear remains totalitarian system inside their heads. Accordingly, because of this prejudice there are often appears different conflicts within the country between East and West. Ukrainians cannot build a unified country and present it to the world until the moment of full understanding.
Despite the fact that Ukraine has experienced in the past three famines and a lot of repression of numerous intellectuals, the country is not united. These tragedies rather created a variety of topics for debate.
Typical stereotypes about Ukraine in the world
Today, people have free access to the Internet, social networks and online media. Information can be obtained at anytime and anywhere. People feel that their voices have become more important.  The latest revolution showed that Ukrainians from all walks of life want the same things: respect and decent living conditions.  And what prevents us to continue to cooperate between East and West? Burdened of technological capabilities or just laziness?
But society is still divided along the lines of the Dnipro, because of the myths that need to debunk.
Most of them are certainly related to well-known cities in Western Ukraine (Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk). Well, we will try to refute some of them now.

1. In the Western Ukraine live only  fascists, traitors and "Banderas"

The myth of the aggressive fascists in the west of Ukraine is actually quite common. For example, the citizens of the Lviv are often hearing in their address accusations of fascism or Nazism which are sewn with white thread. Ukrainian betrayed whom? The Soviet Union? Without a doubt, this is a totalitarian state formation has always been invader Ukraine. Do not argue, that were positive in the entry to the USSR. For example, Ukraine was finally united in one state. But it is too small positive, despite the many victims - dead and tortured, prisons crammed with corpses after the retreat of Soviet troops in 1941.

How "banderas" are look like
Further, the devoted fans of the totalitarian ideology like to concentrate their attention to collaboration with Nazi Germany. Ukrainian nationalists formed teams consisting of German Wehrmacht - "Roland" and "Nachtigall". Later, after the collapse of these entities well trained soldiers joined in the clandestine army that was opposed the Red Army and the Wehrmacht. It was purely political game which had succeed at the time. And the SS "Galicia" is another Ukrainian political step to achieve independence. Unfortunately, it failed attempt. The division lasted only two years, from 1943 to 1945. The stated goals were not reached. And that's our grandfathers and we have an absolute right to remember and honor them as those who fought on the other, Russian side.
Particularly aggressive opponents of western Ukraine like to talk about Stephen Bandera (historical figure, leader of the radical wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists), as the worst figure in the history of the country that ruthlessly destroying people during the Second World War, but nobody wants to  read the biography of this man. In particular, since early 1942 to August 1944 Bandera was in the concentration camp Sachsenhausen in the bunker "Tsellenbau".  In September 1944 he was free and then he spent all of his life abroad.
Of course, Stephen Bandera was a controversial figure in the history of Ukraine, but even the experts admit that his personality is overstated. Of course, you can find a lot of literature that could clarify the activities of this nationalist, but the space for evaluation about Bandera is open for everyone.

   2. In Western Ukraine is forbidden to speak Russian language

It happened that people from different regions speak different languages. In Ukraine the most common are Russian and Ukrainian languages. But, again, for some reason Westerners are accustomed to perceive prejudice to others.
On this occasion held many social experiments, but in each of them we saw loyalty to the Russian speaking people. In Lviv, for example, absolutely all people use another language and politely help the visitors of the city with their problems.
In 2001 (then was held last census) year in Lviv 8, 9% of people consider themselves Russian. Ukrainians do not interfere with their normal life. In the city there are about 5 schools, which enrolled more than 2,500 Russian speaking children.

3. In Western Ukraine people love and respect only polish things

Indeed we cannot deny this fact that for long time Western Part of Ukraine belonged to polish culture. The last stage of our common history was in 1919 – 1939.  We have a lot of fights against each other. How not to recall Ukrainian-Polish war 1919-1920? Although, the diplomatic relations is in the higher level now, for example, not like with Russian Federation.
Also, there are many mixed families in the Northwest Territories of the country. There are also many Poles in the families (grandmother or grandfather) who once left theirs polish homes.  This situation caused a mixture of faiths and traditions. But this kinship can be useful when you are producing, for example, a card of a Pole or want to go to study abroad.
However, at the same time it is considered that the Western Ukraine is the center of nationalism, because in those areas most people keep traditions (weddings, funerals, etc.) and according to statistics, the largest number of military in the area of ​​ATO is from the left bank of the Dnipro.

4. Lviv tourism exists only because of the eastern guests

Lviv was given the status of the cultural capital of Ukraine by the experts. The main reasons of such obtaining more than 100 festivals annually, 60 museums, 100 churches of different confessions and great interest tourists’ interest. Over the past two years the tourist stream to the city increased by 40% and now amounts to over 1 million people annually. There are a lot of tourists from Poland, Germany, Austria, Belarus, USA and Russia.
The city is known as a center of art, literature, music and theater. Nowadays, the indisputable evidence of the city cultural richness is the big number of theaters, concert halls, creative units, and also the holding of many art actions. Thankfully for rich cultural program, developed infrastructure (now Lviv has more than 8,000 beds in hotels only, employs more than 700 institutions food, there is free WiFi zone in the city center, and has good connection with many countries of the world, thanks to flights (Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, LOT, CarpatAir, low-cost-carrier Wizzair). Lviv has the biggest tourist potential in the whole Ukraine.

The advertising which was prepared before the Euro 2012
"Lviv is open to the world"

So we can see which thoughts appear in the heads of the haters of the Western Ukraine. However, these prejudices are concerning not only this part of the country. Who would "Banderas", if not invented in response to their stereotypes of Donetsk region, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Mariupol or others.

1. All residents of East necessarily had to sit in prison

Correctly say that the representatives of the territory made unconscious conclusions on all its inhabitants. For a long time we could monitor the actions of Viktor Yanukovych. Subsequently, we estimated his estate and scope of life, so everyone imagined a typical "Easterners" as ignorant, incompetent and greedy creatures, which must be just from the prison following the example of our former president.
However, we forgot that from the lands originated a lot of known intellectuals, luminaries of modern Ukrainian literature. For example,  in this list we can swing Kharkiv citizen Sergiy Zhadan who is literature dictators of new standards.

The well-known hosue of the ex-president of Ukraine 

2. In the East Ukraine everyone is Russian

Often Russian news channels faced audience with inadequate grandmother, speaking of the unity and firmness of the Soviet Union.
According to the 2001 census, with 24 Ukrainian regions only in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of the Russian-speaking population was more than 50%. However, these figures do not take into consideration the fact that in the former USSR, where for many years the administrative language was Russian, those who now speaks Russian, not necessarily ethnic Russians.
For example, let us remember about the conflict in the Crimea. The Russian - speaking population was 77%, but only 58 of them were actually Russian.  Ukrainian and Crimean Tatars aligned situation.
3.The Eastern Ukraine is support of Donetsk bandits and separatists

The above statement can also be considered as not entirely true. Of course, a certain fraction of the population supports the East militants from Russia.
At the time when elections were held in 2012, in the victory of the Party of Regions were accused residents of the East. In the Donetsk region, for example, voted only 10% of the population of Ukraine. In those parliamentary elections in the polls came only 65% ​​of voters and 60 of them was in charge of the former ruling party vote. This is 39% of the voters in the region. 40% chose another party. Overall, there is much to ponder.
Even today, Easterners are trying to help Ukrainian journalists work in the area of ​​ATO. At the workshop, who recently gave Stanko Anastasia (Public TV journalist) at Lviv National University, the woman told how residents of East helped their team to remove terrorists in controlled areas. They want to return to the Ukraine and to continue development.

4. In the area of the ATO rebels are fighting

The fourth myth is actively spreading Russian propaganda machine is to call the rebels in the Donbass local "separatists." This statement and continues to be very relevant, confusing facts about what is really happening in Ukraine. It's no secret that these "separatists" are largely members of the Russian special services, former Russian contractors, Kuban Cossacks and Chechen militants and local mercenaries. What the Western media continue to use the term "separatists," the Kremlin helps create events, denying the participation of Russia and calling this war a conflict between the Ukrainian authorities and a group of local, home-grown insurgents.
Thus, secrecy and ignorance create an artificial stereotypes and hostility.

How people from the western Ukraine see the country 
An interesting initiative called " From East to West"  launched in 2014 by the Lviv students. They invited colleagues from different cities of Ukraine to be their guests. The initiative is also supported by local government, as the cultural capital of Galicia slogan is: "Lviv - open to the World." During March, April, May, representatives of various universities took guests from Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Lugansk, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Mariupol, Krivoy Rog, Crimea. The result has been to dispel the many myths and typical guests always promised to come back someday.

How people from the eastern Ukraine see the country 
This year the tradition is going on. It should be noted that the student initiative agreed business representatives in Lviv. Hostels provide places to stay and cafes provide food, and the best guides are ready to help guests get to know the city. Lviv citizens also want to join the action and ready to receive visitors in their homes.

Myths, which filled our country prevent people think and act wisely. Guided prejudice representatives of different regions, each trying to pull the blanket to their side. Only when the Ukrainian will be able to unite and to act in the common interest, controlling the activities of politicians, scientists and public organizations, only then in Ukraine will really end the war and begin a period of useful changes.

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